Do Iranians have hooked noses?
You can ask another question. Are Swedes Nordics? No. They are not nordics. Do Swedes look like Africans? Yes. They can look like Africans. How did I get this answer? I included all Swedish citizens in Swede. The problem with the original question is there is no "Iranian Race" to generalize hooked noses about. The Irano-Afghan race is a mixture of Azeris, Persians and Afghans plus 20 other ethnic groups such as Turkomans. This category is called a hooked nose category. In reality there are different ethnic groups in this category and no generalization is possible. Persians (unmixed) do not have hooked noses. Azeris such as President Khatami has a hooked nose. The right question is Do Persians have hooked Noses? and Do Azeris have hooked noses?
Confusing and distorting the concept of racial identity is a favourite method of Azerist position. The Azerist heavily rely on the concept of Caucausian and Mediternaean. They conclude that "Iranian race" is caucausian and mediternean therefore it has a hooked nose. Both these concepts are very unclear applied to the "Iranian race". Mediteranean puts together whites and white looking non-whites as a mediteranean race. Both Arabs and Gypsies are members of mediterranean race. This is despite Iran is not even located near the mediteranean sea. Arabs and Azeris and Persians and Swedes are caucasians. So this concept can not describe anything useful about any race in terms of the nose shape. Some go even as far as saying that "The Persian Lurs have semitic origin". I have posted many picutures showing that Persians do not have hooked noses. Please see here for "Irano-Afghan Race" fraud.
Confusing and distorting the concept of racial identity is a favourite method of Azerist position. The Azerist heavily rely on the concept of Caucausian and Mediternaean. They conclude that "Iranian race" is caucausian and mediternean therefore it has a hooked nose. Both these concepts are very unclear applied to the "Iranian race". Mediteranean puts together whites and white looking non-whites as a mediteranean race. Both Arabs and Gypsies are members of mediterranean race. This is despite Iran is not even located near the mediteranean sea. Arabs and Azeris and Persians and Swedes are caucasians. So this concept can not describe anything useful about any race in terms of the nose shape. Some go even as far as saying that "The Persian Lurs have semitic origin". I have posted many picutures showing that Persians do not have hooked noses. Please see here for "Irano-Afghan Race" fraud.
The following is an Azerist point of view concerning hooked nose question. It tries to mix Azeris with Persians and call it "Iranian" to create confusion:
Azerist No.1:
the irano-afghan race does have humped or hooked noses just look at all the thousands of stonecarvings in persepolis (some of them not representing iranian though) but all the iranian ones have hooked noses I was in iran just recently I saw most persians had it, its actually a beutiful thing what it tells you, it tells you that you have not been mixed, besides I rather have a hooked nose than an upright piglooking nose like some "nords"(sorry to alll the nords no personal offense) the europeans with those noses most likely have iranian ancestors, since "white" europeans dont have the hooked nose rather its more upright Hooked noses are not only with iranians or with those who have a trace of iranian lineage. the europeans with those noses most likely have iranian ancestors, since "white" europeans dont have the hooked nose rather its more upright
Azerist No. 2:
Many Iranians, as well as many Europeans with distant Iranic roots have HUMPED noses. not to be coinfused with hooked noses Other Whites such as Amazigh may also have this trait. You will see many people in Campania ,in Italy the land of my ancestors who because of thois trait might look equally at home in the Zagros or High Atlas. You will see many others with the classicMed triangular Grecian nose, which many Nordics have too, though it tends to be slightly longer at times in Nords. But hooked noses occurr in both groups too Its important not to focus on one single racial trait, with the possible exception of hair texture which seems the most reliable indicator of race of all.
Azerist No.3:
An Irano-Afghan trait. That is, it is more common among Irano-Afghans than other Caucasoid subgroups. That doesn't mean that all or even a majority of Irano-Afghans have this kind of nose, it simply means it's more common in our subgroup than in the other subgroups. I personally haven't seen many Iranians with hooked noses, but I have seen more Iranians with them than I have seen Scandinavians.
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